Sunday, 24 October 2010

Chapter Five 18-30

Implement the random-response solution discussed here in your version of the tech-support system.
Done as shown in the above pictures.
What happens when you add more (or fewer) possible responses to the responses list?
Will the selection of a random response still work properly?
Why or why not?
Of course, no matter the amount of responses, it will always respond. Only if you put more responses then it has a bigger range with which to give you a random reponse.
What is a HashMap?
What is its purpose and how do you use it?
Use the AP Java Subset documentation at the Duke Site.
   It is a type of map stores values with keys. That is, you can find a value using its key. However, it's not possible to find a key using a value, the only purpose of the key is to find that one value. Resembles an array list, just with a key.
Create a class MapTester. In it, use a HashMap to implement a phone book similar to the example in the text.
Implement the following two methods of class MapTester
        public void enterNumber(String name, String number)
        public String lookupNumber(String name)
   Done.  I had to make the second method void, because for some reason it wouldn't compile if I put string, and it works perfectly with void and printing.
What happens when you add an entry to a map with a key that already exists in the map?
  The number gets replaced with the new number.
What happens when you add an entry to a map with a value that already exists in the map?
  Nothing, there are just two values that are the same but have different keys.
How do you check whether a given key is contained in a map?
You must use the containsKey() method from the HashMap class. You enter in a key and it returns true if it is contained. Otherwise it'll return false.
What happens when you try to look up a value, and the key doess not exist in the map?
It simply returns null if the key doesn't exist, as it has no assigned value.
How do you check how many entries are contained in a map?
To check how many entries are contained in a map simply use the size() method from the HashMap class.
Implement the changes discussed in the text in your own version of the TechSupport system.
Test it to get a feel for how well it works.
I'll complete this later, I don't have the book with me right now, because I thought I didn't need it since I read through the entire chapter already.
What are the similarities and differences between a HashSet and an ArrayList?
HashSet is a set of elements that have no duplicate, like a function in mathematics, while ArrayList is simply a list of elements.

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