Monday, 6 December 2010

Chapter 10 Test

6. Now run your simulation. How does the introduction of gender impact the changing populations? Make a quantitative comparison of V2 and V3.

Here it is possible to see the differences between breeding rates in v2 and v3 quantitatively:

These screenshots are the numbers of rabbits after 200 steps (male vs. female)



7. Given what you have learned from V3, describe one way of extending the simulation in "V4". What hypothesis will you be testing with V4?
     For V4 it is possible to implement a class Grass off of which the rabbit survives. Just as the fox class searches for rabbits, rabbits should, too, search for herbs and food, as without food they will not be able to live, and assuming that they don't need to eat as we do right now is not correct.
     Another possible extension of such a simulation would be to make the foxes move more steps if they wish, because in reality the rabbits have much less mobility when compared with the foxes who can easily catch up to them. Therefore it is unreasonable to assume that they both move at the same right, and changing that could help our simulations validity.

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